Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy


Annie Banks Massage Therapist

Annie Banks Massage Therapist

Annie Banks has been in the field of bodywork for the better part of 2 decades. Originally training as a Yoga Instructor in 2003, then as a Personal Trainer in 2006. Then studying and practicing corrective exercise, as well as strength and conditioning, which has greatly influenced and informed her work as a massage therapist. In 2016 she attended the Carolina School of Massage in Greenville SC, and opened up her first practice in the upstate and is looking forward to serving the low-country in Beaufort.
Align Bodywork specializes in postural analysis and muscle specific massage treatment. Deep, medium or light pressure is used, depending on the need and the sensitivity of the individual. The initial evaluation session and treatment is 90 minutes, and follow-up corrective sessions are 75 minutes. A minimum of 2-3 follow-up sessions are recommended after the initial evaluation. *The number of treatments needed is determined on a case by case basis. Once the client has progressed to a “maintenance” status, 60 minute sessions are available on a bi monthly basis.
In addition to soft tissue treatment, simple and individually specific, corrective exercises can be implemented to maintain the benefits of the sessions and improve overall function and vitality.
Call or text Annie to book your appointment! 843-359-5896